Digital Art Museum
Laurence GARTEL    


This section is comprised of recent works created over the past four years. It represents both the state of technology as well as my manipulation and massaging of this art form. It is always hopeful that an artist's most recent accomplishments opitimize his/her highest level of creativity. Having said that, the criteria is based on subject, content, and execution. Over the past several years, I have been quite intrigued with collage. The densely rich images should have a flow and rythmn. One should look at the works like one listens to a symphony. Certain elements stand out at certain times, while others recede. The entire work is a continuum and plays out as a whole score. Each viewer derives his/her own messages. I like to think that I have an underscore of humor in each of the pictures both private and public. The greatest part of this medium is being able to bend and change photographs of frozen moments into new moments and memories that are now altered. A great deal of inspiration for these works is the 1982 movie "Bladerunner" starring Harrison Ford. So much of life is altered to work into our subconscious and we only ask for more life to enjoy and savour our good memories.


Lies of Aunt Ruth Archeological Biography

Lies of Aunt Ruth
Ink-Jet Print
36" x 40"


Archeological Biography
48" x 36"

Collection: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gold New York

Kosby Komic Killer Elios

Kosby Komic Killer
Ink-Jet on Canvas print
60" x 36"

Dye Sublimation Print
8 1/2" x 11"