Miami International Airport
Early in 1997 I won and installed the first digital public art commission
at Concourse F. It consists of 19 back lit light boxes which are the images in this series.
The Miami International Airport is a multi-cultural, multi dimensional
nucleus. This was experienced first hand by arriving on Northwestern Airlines
from Frankfurt, Germany into Miami International. While the airport is a gateway
to South America, it welcomes visitors from all over the world to an international
city, Miami.
Art in the airport should fulfill the mission of embracing its visitors
to a warm and friendly city. As a seasoned traveller myself I have been to many
airports and understand that the initial reaction upon immediate arrival to an
airport is most critical. It sets the tone for the extended visit to that city.
South Florida is a plenitude of diversity rich in culture and activities.
Thus, when people come to visit the region for business or vacation, they expect
to have a stay which will uplift their human spirits. The concept of "getting away"
allows the mind to be open to new experiences. Truly the landscape, climate
and people are the key components to human interactions.
The light box project addresses the above issues. It is my goal to
reach out to all passengers arriving in Miami and enlighten them that South
Florida is an aesthetically beautiful place, with lots of enriching activities
both physical and psychological.
I have photographed various towns/cities which neighbor Miami International.
These areas all offer unique dimensions to the region. "South Beach" as demonstrated
by the artwork in its final form, emphasizes the natural beauty of its people in
everyday situations. My objective was to capture ethnic diversity as well as the
classical architecture of the d�co era that is so prominent, renewed, and gentrified.
Photographing the vibrancy of South Beach contemporary culture tantalizes the senses.
Utilizing my digital camera, I am able to capture images electronically and
view, edit and store my pictures in an orderly data base in which to orchestrate a
cohesive, narrative collage on the specific region. Here is where the computer as a
creative tool enables me to layer the fabric of culture in its diversity. Most of my
"digital collages" have between 30-40 images juxtaposing each other. I have
photographed over 4,000 images.
It was my goal to give Miami International passengers the most in depth,
comprehensive, creative, visual documentary this area has to offer.
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