Digital Art Museum
Jean-Pierre HÉBERT    


Artists statement

More information on Jean-Pierre Hébert at his website



Jean-Pierre Hébert Born 1939
Lives and works in Santa Barbara USA

Born 1939. Continuous interest in drawing and water-colours ever since. Hanged out at Gallery "Les Mages" with Alphonse Chave at eight. Student of Coucy and Magne.
First hands-on experience with computers in 59, FORTRAN! Continuous involvement with computers ever since. First small plotter in 76, first real experimentations in doing drawings with computers in 79. Serious work since 86, first large plotter in 87. Meeting with Pierre Chave in November 88.
Started the Algorists group with Ken Musgrave and Roman Verotsko in August 95 as the Siggraph show was closing. Helaman Ferguson, Charles Csuri and Manfred Mohr promptly joined.
As plotters are phased out and supply sources vanish, now explores new media, the most promising of which being the new laser cutting machines, transfer plates. Atelier Ho [97-98] with Bruce Shapiro. Collaborations with Cone Editions Press and Stephanie Strickland in 98. Collaborations with Binary Press and Mauro Annunziato in 99. In 2000, "T�l�maque" and publication of a cycle of intaglio prints.

- Exposition "Sans lever la plume...", Galerie Alphonse Chave (Vence, France),
- IBM Research Center (La Gaude, France).
- Siggraph'89 Art and Design Show (Computer Museum, Boston, Massachussets and World Traveling Art Show),
- Art Junction (Nice, France),
- Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt, Germany).

- Hartje Gallery (Frankfurt, Germany, and Gilford, New Hampshire),
- Instituto de Estudios Norte Americanos (Barcelona, Spain),
- Museo de Salamanca, Salamanca University (Salamanca, Spain)
- Siggraph'90 Art and Design Show (Dallas, Texas; Computer Museum Boston, and World Traveling Art Show),
- "Infinite Illusion: The World of Electronically Created Imagery", The Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC),
- Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt, Germany),
- Second International Symposium on Electronic Art (Groningen, Holland).
- Castellani Art Museum, Niagara University (Niagara, New-York).

- The Mathematica Conference (San Francisco),
- Cal State University of Stanislaus (Turlock, California)
- Symposium "Art & Algorithm - Mind & Machine", at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, (Minneapolis, Minnesota),
- Exposition "Le Groupe Agonal", Galerie Alphonse Chave (Vence, France),
- Siggraph'91 Art and Design Show (Las Vegas, Nevada, and World Traveling Art Show),
- New Mexico State University, University Art Gallery (Las Cruces, New-Mexico),
- "Interface: Art & Computer", Park Avenue Atrium (New-York),
- "DADA/DATA", Maryland Art Place & the University of Maryland Baltimore County (Baltimore, Maryland).

- Siggraph'92 Art and Design Show (Chicago, Illinois),
- Third International Symposium on Electronic Art (Sydney, Australia).

- Institute of Modern Art (Brisbane, Australia) which never returned the works nor paid for them,
- "Digital Salon des Independents" (West Hollywood, California) --the off-site Art Show curated by Patric Prince for Siggraph'93: drawings and animations,
- Exposition "Haute Tension IV", Galerie Alphonse Chave (Vence, France),

- California State University at Chico, Art Department (Chico, California),
- Siggraph'94 Art and Design Show (Orlando, Florida).

- Siggraph'95 Art and Design Show (Los Angeles, California).
- Siggraph'95 Panel: Algorithm and the Artist: Speaker (Los Angeles, California).

- Galerie Alphonse Chave (Vence, France).

- Started one's own permanent outpost ./
- Siggraph'97 Ongoings: The Fine Arts Gallery (Los Angeles, California) and World Traveling Art Show.
- Siggraph'97 "Artists sketches".
- "Digital Perspective 1997" at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art (Chicago, Illinois).
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (Darmstadt, Germany).
- Start of collaboration as "Atelier Ho", and plans with Cone Editions.

- Galerie Alphonse Chave, "Dessins Ecritures en Boustrophedon." (Chaissac, Max Ernst, Gabritschevski, Hebert, G.Lauro, H.Michaux, Ozenda, Palanc, Michel Roux, P.Verbena).
- The Living Arts Center (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada).
- Siggraph'98 Art and Design Show (Orlando, Florida) (with Ho).
- "ComputerKunst'98" (Museum der Stadt Gladbeck, Germany).
- Start working on "One Hundred views".
- "Wyra?" and "Sisyphus" (with Ho).
- Art-Math'98, UCB (Berkeley, California).
- Art+Aesthetics of Artificial Life, UCLA (Los Angeles, California).
- Sausalito Art Festival (San Francisco, California ).
- Science as Art, Indiana and Purdue Universities (with Ho).
Cone Editions Press publishes several limited editions.

- UCSB Winter Art Symposium, Speaker (Santa Barbara, California).
Cone Editions Press prints first volume of "One Hundred Views".
- Alpers Fine Art (Boston, Massachussets).
- Indigo (Santa Barbara, California -April).
- The Art Institute of Houston (Houston, Texas).
- Siggraph'99 "TechnOasis" Art Show (Los Angeles, California), Speaker in "Installations" panel and World Traveling Art Show.
- Siggraph'99 TechnOasis Art Show (Los Angeles, California) (with Ho).
- The Science Museum of Minnesota, The Forecast Project (StPaul, Minnesota ) (with Ho).
- The Sausalito Art Festival (San Francisco, California ).
- Svit Ozor Fine Arts Gallery (Santa Barbara, California -October).
- "Quai des Bulles" (Palais du Grand Large, Saint-Malo, France).
- The Santa Monica College Art Gallery, Exhibitor and Speaker (Los Angeles, California -November).
Binary Press publishes several limited editions.

- George Mason University
- Imagina 2000, "Villages de l'Innovation" (Monaco)
- "Alien Intelligence" (Kiasma, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland)
- Santa Barbara Printmakers Society (Santa Barbara, California )
- "Print-In" Contemporary Arts Forum (Santa Barbara, California)
- Indigo (Santa Barbara, California )
-"Digital Images: Art in the Electronic Age" (City of Brea Gallery, California -August-September)
-"Media Manipulations" UAB Visual Arts Gallery (Birmingham, Alabama)
-"On Lines" at DesignArc, (Santa Barbara, California -September-October)
-"Generative Art" (Milan, Italy).

- Galerie Alphonse Chave, Pierre Chave, Curator (Vence, France Fall).
- ``Recent Works'', Faulkner Gallery (Public Library) (Santa Barbara, California Fall).
- Arizona State University, The Computing Commons Gallery, Barbara Eschbach, Curator (Tempe, Arizona Fall).
- ``Unus Mundus: From the Digital to the Sublime'', El Camino College Art Gallery, with Victor Raphael, Susanna Meiers, Curator (Los Angeles, California ).
- ``Ink and Clay 27'', W.Keith and Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery, Marti Koplin, Curator (Los Angeles, California).
- The College of New Jersey Art Gallery (Ewing, New Jersey).
- ``The Art Furnishings Show'', with Victor DiNovi (Pasadena, California).
- Santa Barbara Printmakers Society, Suzanne Muchnic, Curator (Santa Barbara, California ).
- ``Cohen H�bert Mohr Verostko'', Private Exhibition of the Frank Dietrich & Zsuzsa Molnar Collection (Los Altos Hills, California).
- ``Philadelphia Furniture and Furnishings'', with Victor DiNovi (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
- ``Print-In 2001'', Contemporary Arts Forum (Santa Barbara, California Spring).
- ``26th Brooklyn Print National'', Brooklyn Museum of Art, Marilyn Kushner, Curator (Brooklyn, New-York Summer).
- ``N-Space'' Siggraph Art Gallery, Juried Show, Dena Eber, Chair (Los Angeles, California Summer).
- ``Chaos, Fractals and Artificial Life'', Spanish Cultural Center, Umberto Roncoroni, Curator (Lima, Peru Summer).
- ``Nordic-Interactive'' (Copenhagen, Denmark Fall).
- ``EDC/Elemental'', Seyburn Zorthian, Curator (Santa Barbara, California Fall).

- One of a kind, original drawings, generally sized from 4 x 4 inches to 30 x 40 inches; some pieces are tiled in diptychs and triptychs.
- Medium: inks and pencil on paper,
- High/ very high resolution, monochromatic, line drawings,
- Agorithmic image generation, with personal software exclusively --actually quite a large library of dedicated and unique software has been developed,
- Experiments with laser prints and print-presses, with video, C.N.C. (glass, steel, wood), iris prints, laser cutter.

- India Ink, mixed water based colored inks,
- Custom tungsten pens,
- Various types of paper: Arches, Lanaquarelle, Magnani, etc . . .
- Several 36 inches Hewlett-Packard and Mutoh plotters,
- A 17 x 11 inches PostScript SRS Imager, and an Epson color inkjet,
- Access to many other devices and media, including "Ulysses" which can be turned into a very flexible traditional media system,
- Diverse computers (Silicon Graphics, Sun) and too many programming languages, libraries or software systems (C, Chez Scheme, Fortran, GL, HPGL, Lisp, Mathematica, MathTensor, Metafont/Metapost, Miranda, PostScript, Shapes, Tcl, VoxelView, Vtk) as requested by experimentation and production.

A few projects and experiments
- Numerous tests on plotters using brushes, graphite leads and silver points
- A "virtual plotter" developped for collaborations with Jon Cone and with Roman Verostko,
- A traditional print edition in collaboration with Pierre Chave, and a book,
- Iris print limited editions in collaboration with Jon Cone and others,
- Folded papers, Mixed media, from glass and mirror to wood, steel, and sand.
- Numerous experiments in video: computer generated animations of colored abstractions expanding in three and four dimensional space concepts explored more traditionally on paper.

- SunTech Journal (Fall Issue 1989).
- Leonardo (Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science, and Technology, Supplemental Issue 1989).
- Front Cover & Article, The Mathematica Journal (Volume I Issue 2, 1990).
- Leonardo (Supplemental Issue 1990).
- The Journal of the ACM (December Issue 1990).
- Computer Graphics World (July Issue 1991).
- ``Computers in Art and Design'', Isaac V. Kerlow (Siggraph'91).
- Siggraph Visual Proceedings (Catalogs and CDROMs 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999).
- ``ArtByte'' (December 1998 & February 1999).
- Review in ``The Computer in the Visual Arts'', by Ann Morgan Spalter (Addison Wesley 1999).
- Review in ``Art on Paper'' (March 1999).
- Front Cover & Article ``Ulysses: Sand as Medium'', The Mathematica Journal (Volume VII Issue 3, 1999).
- Review in Tricycle: The Buddhist Magazine (On-line Decembre 1999).
- Korean Broadcast Systems "Munhwa Kihaing" (Cultural Agenda, February 1st 2000 program)