Digital Art Museum
Jean-Pierre Hébert    

The Virtual Plotter

Recent digital fantasies on a virtual plotter. In my on-going exploration of the possibilities of the line, I have designed a software virtual plotter that emulates in a digital way the capabilities, style and idiosyncracies of the plotter, my original medium. But it also adds many new stunning posibilities. This could open the road to Iris print editions and to all-digital venues, such as dynamic or evolving pieces, animations, VRML, interactive etc... Aesthetically and philosophically I still prefer — and by far, my ink-on-paper work, as both the creative process and the finished pieces themselves are concerned. But at least it is easier to show pixels on the web. (v1) is a "virtual plot" in the spirit of a previous Siggraph piece (Las Vegas), showing tight continuity with my traditional plotter work and style, (v2) (v3) (v4) (v5) (v6) show new style extensions and possibilities, (v7) (v8) (v9) (v10) (v11) are smaller but show some others.

v1 v2 v3
v1   v2   v3
v4   v5   v6
v4   v5   v6
v7   v8   v9
v7   v8   v9
v10   v11   v12
v10   v11   v12