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International exhibitions and conferences
February 5 – February 19, 1965
‘Generative Computer Graphics’, Studiengalerie der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.
With Max Bense inviting artist Georg Nees.
April 6 – 24, 1965
‘Computer generated Pictures’, Howard Wise Gallery, New York
With A. Michael Noll and Bela Julesz.
November 5 – November 26, 1965
‘Computer Graphics’, Galerie Niedlich in Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
‘Computer Graphics’ was the third public show of artistic works programmed for a digital computer and executed by a computer-controlled drawing machine (“plotter”). With Frieder Nake and Georg Nees.
January 15 – February 15, 1966
‘Production of graphic renderings, audio sequences, and texts by electronic computers’, Rechenzentrum Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
With Ben Deutschmann and Max V. Mathews´s computer music, computer drawings by Frieder Nake and Gerhard Stickel´s computer text.
June 1966
Conference ‘Design and Computer’, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Organized by Martin Krampen, who at that time worked at the Institute of Design at the University of Waterloo and at the Hochschule fĂĽr Gestaltung in Ulm, Germany. The participating artists were: Allen Bernholtz, Edward Bierstone, Steven A. Coons, William A. Fetter, Edwin L. Jacks, Kenneth C. Knowlton, Marvin L. Manheim, A. Michael Noll, Kenneth G. Scheid and Arthur E. Neuman.
November 12, 1966
‘Programming in Fine Arts and Industrial Design’, conference and accompanied exhibition, Gallery d, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
November 3 – December 15, 1967
‘Constructive Tendencies from Czechoslovakia’, Studio Gallery of Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt a.M. Germany. With six Czech artists. The show included the first Computer graphics by Czech ZdenÄ• k Sỳ kora.
August 3 – August 4, 1968
Colloquy ‘Computers and Visual Research’, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb bridged computer art with social and political implications, as well as with new philosophical and aesthetical theories on Information aesthetics. This colloquy was part of the New Tendencies Movement and lead to an exhibition known as “Tendencies 4”.
August 2 – October 20, 1968
‘Cybernetic Serendipity’, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London, Great Britain
First exhibition on computer art curated by Jasia Reichardt. With John Whitney Sr., A. Michael Noll, D.H. Green, Bell Labs, Peter Zinovieff, Gustav Metzger, Gordon Pask, Nam June Paik, Jean Tinguely, Edward Ihnatowicz, John Billingsley, Wen-Ying Tsai and Rowland Emett.
September 5 – 21, 1968
‘Computer Art: Media Transformation through Electronics’, CTG (Computer Technique Group), Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
The Computer Technique Group was a Japanese collective of art. It was founded by engineering students Masao Kohmura and Haruki Tsuchiya in the late 60’s, partially funded by the IBM Scientific Data Center. With Haruki Tsuchiya, Masao Kohmura, Kunio Yamanaka, Junichiro Kakizaki
May 5 – August 30, 1969
‘Computers and Visual Research’, exhibition based on the movement group named Nove Tendencije (New Tendencies), The Muzej Za Umjetnost Obr, Zagreb, Croatia.
The movement lost its thrust in 1973 but continued until 1975 and ended in 1978. Other events indirectly related to the New Tendencies were: The responsive eye, Museum of Modern Art, 1965 and Cybernetic Serendipidy in London, 1968.
September 16 – November 8, 1970
‘Software’, The Jewish Museum, New York City, USA
Curated by Jack Wesley Burnham Jr.
Artists: Hans Haacke, Nam June Paik, Nicholas Negropont and Ted Nelson
May 11 – June 6, 1971
‘Une esthĂ©tique programmĂ©e’, MuseĂ© d´art moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, France
Solo Show of Manfred Mohr
March 27 – April 21, 1972
‘Computer Art’, National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, India
Organised in collaboration with Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi and IBM India.
With  A. Michael Noll, Alan Sutcliffe, Ben F. Laposky, Duane Michael Palyka and Frieder Nake.
‘ACM SIGGRAPH’ – Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques of Accociation for Computing Machinery, USA
Annual and international conference on computer graphics starting in 1974
18. September 1979
Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
Founded by Herbert W. Franke, Ulrich RĂĽtzel, Hubert Bognermayr and Hannes Leopoldseder. The festival is taking place annually.
EMAF – European Media Arts Festival, Osnabrück, Germany
As „International Experimental Film Workshop“ the EMAF was organized between 1981 and 1987. 1988 the festival was renamed to European Media Art Festival.
June 12 – June 15 1986
‘Prints and Plots’, C86, Cologne, Germany
Sideshow at Computer fair 86 in Cologne
With Wolfgang Zach
22. June – Juli 27, 1986
‘Computer-Kunst 86’ (Computer art 86), Städtische Galerie in Rathauspark, Gladbeck, Germany
Follow-up exhibition of Prints & Plots, which was shown at »C 86» in Cologne from June 12 until June 15 1986.
Curated by Wolfgang Schneider, with Georg Nees, GĂĽnter Schulz, Hans Bauer, Wolfgang Zach, Yasuhiro Matsuoka and many others.
October 23 – November 23, 1986
‘Bilder Digital. ComputerkĂĽnstler in Deutschland 1986 (Digital Images. Computer artists in Germany 1986)’, Gallery of artists in Munich, Germany
Curated by Alexander Kempkens and Barbara Kempkens
Artists: Georg Nees, Â W. Franke, Manfred Mohr and Wolfgang Zach among many others.
June 1986 – March 1987
‘Les Machines Sentimentales’, Centre Culturel, Caen and Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Exhibition on robots sculptures with Norman White
Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
Launch of the yearly art award.
DEAF – Dutch Electronic Art Festival, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The festival started under the name Manifestation for the Unstable Media in 1987 and got its name – DEAF in 1994. DEAF features an extensive program addressing art, technology, science and society. The festival ist organized every two years by V2_, an artist collective since 1981.
January 1988
Video Festival, Berlin, Germany
Program of the “International Forum of Young Films” section. This festival was intended to create a platform for the production of electronic media, which were excluded from film festivals such as the Berlinale. Entitled „Transmedia“ in 1997. Since 1998 the festival is entitled as „Transmediale“, taking place annually in Berlin.
ISEA Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts, Canada
International festival and conference launch, founded in the Netherlands in 1990 and is taking place annually. The ISEA is an international non-profit organisation fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse on art, science and technology.
Opening of the Ars Electronica Center – Museum of the Future, Linz, Austria