
News Blogs


Difference Engines TECHNOLOGY AND IDENTITY IN CONTEMPORARY ART Wrightwood 359 (Chicago, IL) Oct 13 - December 16, 2023 How does technology shape our identities and what is the relation between the two? How do the tools we use shape the way we see ourselves? This question is addressed by Difference Engines, a touring exhibition co-curated by Tina Rivers Ryan, PhD, Curator, Buffalo AKG Art Museum and Paul Vanouse, Professor, University of Buffalo. Difference Engines features 17 contemporary artists that engage how technology can challenge systemic forms of oppression, engage communities, and resist prejudice. In John Perry Barlow’s 1998 “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace,”......

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HYPER DIGITAL FORCES,Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul, Turkey

Hyper Digital Forces Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul, Turkey   This exhibition, drawn from the Borusan Contemporary Art collection and curated by Dr. Necmi Sonmez, features work that use experimental approaches to producing New Media art framed by the possibilities afforded by digital processes.  Hyper Digital Forces explores the "New Visuality" underscored by the qualities of images emergent in digital culture.  Comparing the digital to previous technological forms, like video art and neon sculpture, then with canvases, collages, and manipulated forms informed by classical technique.  The exhibition contrasts the "moving" and "standing" images from this. Digital techniques have allowed artists to reshape......

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@ 2021 DAM