Digital Art Museum
DAM Projects GmbH
Horstweg 35
14059 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 76802417
Founder and Director
Wolf Lieser
Commercial Registry
Berlin Charlottenburg HRB 90873
DE 161744610.
All materials on this website including images and text are property of their respective owner. They are protected by copy right law and can not be reproduced without permission.
It is forbidden to copy and use contents as well as image material unauthorised without prior permission of DAM projects GmbH.
Liability for Content
The contents of our web pages were created with utmost accuracy. Nevertheless, we can not take full liability for their correctness, completeness and up-to-datedness.
Following § 7 Abs.1 TMG, as service provider we are responsible for our own content according to general laws. Following §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are nevertheless neither oblidged to control external information which has been transmitted to and stored by us nor to follow up circumstances which indicate unlawful actions. This does not touch our obligation of general law to remove or disable the use of unlawful information. Such liabilities can nevertheless only be taken from the moment of which a concrete infringement becomes known. If a rights infringement becomes known we will immediatly remove the contents which they are related to.
Liability for Links
Our offer includes links to external, third party websites on the contens of which we have no influence. We can therefore also take no liability for such foreign contents. Responsibilities for the information provided by websites linked to us is always taken by the provider or operator of these pages. The websites which are linked have, on the date of their linking, been checked for possible right infringements. Unlawful contents have not been known on that date. A permanent control over the content of linked pages without concrete indication of an encrouchment is nevertheless not reasonable.
Copy Right
Content and works which has been created by the operator of this site are bound to German copy right law. Contributions of third parties are outlined clearly. Reproduction, manipulation, distribution and any form of utilisation exceeding the limits of copy right law require written approval of their respecitve author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, not for commercial use.
The operator of these pages strive to respect copy rights of others, resorting to self-created contents or using works from the public domain.
Data Protection
Personal data collection by our site (for instance name, address or e-mail address) is carried out on voluntary basis whenever possible. Offers and services are, as far as possible, always provided without requesting personal data of their users.
We point out that withing the scope of data transmission via the Internet (eg. Communication via E-Mail) security lapses can occur. Complete protection of data against access of third partys is not possible.
It is hereby objected that third persons may send advertisement and informational material not explicitly requested by the operators of the site using the contact data made public within the scope of the legally required impressum. The operators of the website reserve their right for legal actions if they unsolicitedly receive promotional information, for instance via Spam-Mails.