À la recherche de Paul Klee (1970-71)
Part of her work in the “imaginary computer” phase, this series is comprised by several ink on paper compositions in which Vera Molnar explores a canvas by the Swiss-German artist Paul Klee (1879 – 1940), configuring a grid in which she develops a number of combinations and permutations of lines on the limited space of a square.
More works
Latest Works (2000-2023)
Int/Cont (1996)
Gothique (1988-1991)
Sainte Victoire (1989-1996)
Works from the 1980s
Lettres à ma mère (1981-1990)
Hommage à Monet (1981-1983)
Saccades (1977-1979)
Hypertransformations (1975-1976)
(Des)Ordres (1974)
Á la recherche de Paul Klee (1970-71)
Interruptions (1968-1969)
Early plotter drawings (1968)